Seek Truth. Attain Knowledge.
The Hero’s Journey begins with equipping oneself with knowledge, as every journey begins with what you know, where you are going, and a course of action or pathway. Because all actions are derived from thoughts and emotions, it’s important to cultivate knowledge from a pure source. How does one seek Truth, i.e. absolute Truth? There are many ‘truths’ and sources; fundamental truth, societal truth, codes of conduct, cultural conditioning, education, spiritual centers, institutions, universities, research centers, experts, scientists, doctors, professors, advisors, authors, coaches, scribes, journalists, storytellers, the media, politicians, teachers, parents, peers, and the internet. Who holds the truth? Who tells the truth?
It is up to each of us to search, discover, and explore for ourselves what truth means. In ancient times, wisdom teachings were held in the mystery schools, known as Knowledge, the Absolute Truth, scribed and held sacred by Thoth. In indigenous cultures, shamans are keepers of spiritual wisdom and higher consciousness practices.
To acquire Knowledge, one must study quantum physics and spiritual science, aka, the Science of Consciousness and Healing Sciences. This is the subject matter for the modern-day seeker, a.k.a., the Spiritual Gangster embarking on their Hero’s Journey. When seeking Knowledge, one must discern the source, and practice for themselves what resonates. Beware of those motivated purely by power, greed, and profit at the expense of others.
The materials and resources curated here are acquired through proven practice, with the intention to define the spiritual explanation for the material experience we are witness to. We must begin by understanding the nature of our Universe so that we can interact with it from a place of Truth.
Learn Unified Sciences & Sacred Spiritual Practices
Study Spiritual-Sciences;
Science of Consciousness
With consciousness back into the scientific equation for modern science, scientists are bridging the quantum and macro sciences, unifying all of the sciences, racing to find the theory of everything to assess and explain the energy field that connects time and space, dimensions, and each of us; giving indisputable evidence that we are connected to each other and everything. What would the world look like if everyone on the planet understood their true nature; that we are all connected to each other and the entire universe? Our thoughts, feelings, choices, and actions impact everything in the Universe. We are part of the whole; one organism, one mind, one universe. Together we are everything.
![Step 2](
Study the Quantum World
The quantum world is a mysterious place, yet it is the foundational building material that permeates everything that exists; our cells, our bodies, all plants, all animals, all elements (gas, liquids, solids), all planets, stars and solar systems…even your household furniture, the car you drive and the food you eat. All of it. It all began with light energy vibrating at various frequencies, expanding, then creating matter, and evolving into ecological and biological systems. Subatomic particles forming atoms, atoms forming molecules. Molecules forming elements and cells, cells making up tissues, tissues making up organs, etc.
The determination of what is visible to the naked eye is based on the vibrational frequency that you are matched with. As humans, we vibrate at around 7 – 7.5 hz, as does the Earth. This includes our existence on Earth and the reality we experience. There are infinite vibrations and 12-13 scales or dimensions. As humans, we only see a small portion of the electromagnetic scale, visible light, and we’re surrounded by waves of various frequencies we cannot see, yet we sense them through heat and sound. Similarly, we impact and are impacted by vibrational frequencies outside of our view. Understanding the elements, forces, and laws that make up the world we cannot see, yet, have a significant influence on our reality, could arguably be the most important subject to acquaint ourselves with.
![step 3_blue](
Learn the Sciences of the Human Body: Biology, Neuroscience & Physiology
You’ve been gifted with a biological vessel, a material suit made of protein, carbon, sugar, and elements from the cosmos. You’re equipped with an electrical and magnetic system that connects you with the cosmic consciousness, downloading and transmitting divine intelligence via your senses. The human body is a work of divine art, with intelligent operating systems that function behind the scenes, in the unconscious mind, responsible for every breath you take, every heartbeat that pumps blood to your organs, every neuron firing from your brain to regulate your body, connecting you with this quantum world. We all have some familiarity with our bodies, however, a deeper dive into your living avatar reveals the power it holds. Learning your human systems and consciousness-expanding techniques that align you with the mothership powers of the universe will equip and position you for accessing more of your potential. You will never again doubt the divine intelligence that courses through you and the power you hold. You can repair your DNA and alter your reality, by understanding how energy moves through your body. If you’re currently experiencing pain or illness, you may have trapped thoughts and emotions harming your body that need to be released so you can live a life of wellness, freedom, and joy.
We live in a Fractal, Holographic Universe of Infinite Potential. aka, the Matrix.
Our Universe is Intelligent.
Its design replicates and spirals from the macro to the micro.
We store all of its information in our DNA.
- Alchemy
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Ancient Civilizations
- Anthropology & Archeology
- Art & Design
- Astral Travel
- Astrology
- Astronomy
- Astrophysics
- Biology
- Brain Science
- Breathwork
- Buddhism
- Canna Cooking
- Celestial Ancestors
- Celestial Beings
- Chakras
- Chemistry
- Clairvoyance
- Cosmology
- Crystals
- Divine Knowledge
- DNA Activation
- EcoPsychology
- EcoTherapy
- Elements
- Electromagnetism
- Energy Healing
- Energy Work
- Entheogens
- Epigenetics
- ETs
- Healing
- Healing Practices
- Human Design
- Kabbalah
- Meditation
- Mediumship
- Metaphysical
- Microdosing
- Mystery Teachings
- Mysticism
- Narcissism
- Nature Healing
- Neuroscience
- Numerology
- Parapsychology
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Physiology
- Plant Medicine Practices
- Plant Medicines
- Precognition
- Psychedelic Therapy
- Psychedelics
- Psychokinesis
- Psychology
- Pyramids
- Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Physics
- Quantum Entanglement
- Sacred Geometry
- Sacred Sites
- Science
- Science & Spirituality
- Science of Consciousness
- Shamanism
- Soul / Spirit
- Soul Mates
- Soul Ties
- Space
- Spirituality
- Starseeds
- Stone Temples
- Telepathy
- Time Travel
- Twin Flames
- Wellbeing
- Wisdom Teachings
- Yoga