What are we doing here in this Gamified School called Life?
Our human mission is to bring spirit into our material experience and reality; To create and materialize the spiritual laws through form. Our mission is complete when we harmonize our inner and outer experience, bringing balance through healing our broken perceptions and actions, and transcend the limitations of our mind and egoic conditioning. Our experience here is not for the faint of heart. We are human superheroes that have forgotten what we know and who we are so we can know ourselves deeper through various experiences and perspectives to further our expansion of consciousness. This is the goal. To do this, we must pass through portals and obstacles to find and establish balance and cooperation; for and within ourselves, each other, our planet, and the Universe at large.
The Sacred Keys contained herein will unlock the hidden knowledge to help guide your Heroic Journey. These are the tools and tips for expanding our consciousness, winning the game, but we must be willing to play full out. Ready Player One?
Our Mission is to Awaken
Through developing consciousness expansion techniques, we can balance the mind-body-soul, and prevail the limitations we created from the old thinking mind. Then, we can align our vibrational frequency as a collective human family, our planet, and the Universe to achieve Unity Consciousness. It starts first with you obtaining harmony & balance for yourself. You must master yourself. To do this, you must obtain spiritual knowledge. To do this, you must seek answers and go deep within. This requires courage, commitment, and wisdom. And, tools.
Sacred Keys® to crack the code
Understanding the nature of things is key. You must begin by syncing the Science & Spiritual World. Our Sacred Keys will unlock the hidden knowledge. The answers lie in the Science of Consciousness and Healing Sciences. Read and gain knowledge of the sciences contained within. Get to know yourself with Human Design. Practice the expanded states of consciousness using the tools and techniques provided. Practice, Practice, Practice. These will elevate your consciousness so you can create new realities of higher vibrations.
Previously separated sciences; material and spiritual explanations were divided into separate disciplines and studies, and theories uniting the micro and macro worlds were not understood and explained by science. A Theory of Everything is at the forefront of the Science of Consciousness conversation. Knowing this will shift our individual perspectives and unite our collective consciousness. Are you up for the task?
How to Win in the Game of Life
Establish Heart and Mind Coherence
Harmonize your Inner & Outer Experience
Sync up through Vibrational Resonance
Our hope is to inspire your path towards elevated consciousness, arm you with tools and knowledge to help you transcend the obstacles that push you towards your greatness.
Each of us is coded to consciously awaken and evolve. The polarity of forces push and pull us into motion according to our assignments.
It’s through sharing our human experiences that make our lives meaningful. When we hear others express their pathway to wisdom, it deepens our connections and offers reflections of wisdom for ourselves.
Hearing how others are experiencing their lives, creates intimacy and connection, stroking the heart chords – the love vibration. This is the language of the universe and how we signal to the universe what we need. Some call this prayer.
When we hear tales of heroic stories, we are inspired and uplifted; ignited with courage and strength to carry on. Our stories connect us. We think “If you can do it, so can I.”
We need each other. United in love and compassion, our reality is heavenly. Done in judgment and division, it can be hell.
How are you alchemizing your inner and outer experiences?
How are you balancing the polarities within you? The dark night of the soul. The churning dark-to-light, transmuting negative-to-positive, alchemizing despair-to-hope, transforming defeat-to-triumph, and purifying powerlessness into power?
We’re interested in the great human experiment and each of our individual stories.
By participating in a supportive and loving community, we are reminded that we are connected through our pain and triumph, joy and hope. We feel seen and heard, and we discover more about ourselves. We’ve all come here to fulfill our humanitarian mission. And, that makes us heroes.
![Philosophers Stone](https://i0.wp.com/spiritualgangster.media/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Philosophers-Stone.png?resize=440%2C440&ssl=1)
1. Know Thyself: Reach awareness of self so our choices are of the highest order. Master Self. Make Better Choices.
2. Attain Knowledge: Understand the laws and forces of the Universe; metaphysically, biologically, and cosmically.
3. Expand Consciousness: Awaken the evolutionary code contained inside our DNA so we can access our higher selves.
4. Transcend: Shifting from the goal to survive into the goal to transcend.
Create a Joyful and Fulfilling Human Experience, Collectively.
1. Heal Humanity. Healing begins with an individual’s ownership of their self-growth and nourishment. First, one must explore themselves. Healing Humanity is how we will collectively reach our full potential. Collective healing is our path to consciously evolving.
2. Create a heavenly experience on Earth for all of humanity.
3. Create new realities by raising our vibration. This starts with self. Then, cocreate higher vibrational realities and harmonize with the whole.
1. Inform and provide Humanity with knowledge and tools to advance their power and potential.
2. Bring forward that which is unknown into the known, raising the vibration through sharing knowledge.
3. Expand collective perspectives so human beings can know what is possible and realize for their highest potential
![spiral 2_website](https://i0.wp.com/spiritualgangster.media/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/spiral-2_website.png?resize=187%2C205&ssl=1)
A Fearless Journeyor
A Courageous Hero
Pure Heart
Clear Intent
Not for the Faint of Heart
Not for the Meek or Mild
Gain Knowledge
Expand Consciousness
Vibrational Harmony
Balance Spiritual Laws
Cognitive Resonance
Brain & Heart Coherence
Attain Wisdom
The time is now
All time exists NOW,
All time exists at the same time
All time exists all the time
All time is affecting time, all of the time.
Reach Self Awareness
Expand Consciousness
Master Self
Create Heaven on Earth
Become Your Joy
Attain Knowledge
Discover Yourself
Heal Yourself
Follow Your Bliss
Integrate Knowledge
Spiritually Curious ⇒ Spiritually Conscious ⇒ Spiritual Gangster
“You have been able to endure so much in the name of the expansion of consciousness because that’s what this is all about. That’s why we all left the Source Energy dimension and came, by the power of our own free will, to this galaxy to create these unique experiences. We all decided to be a part of this galactic experience because we knew that in so doing we would be breaking new ground, accessing aspects of Source that had never been accessed before, and we knew that we couldn’t fail.”
Humanity cannot fail, and will not fail. You are on the trajectory to expand collective consciousness for humanity and the entire Universe too.
You will continue to grow and expand, and you will continue to exceed expectations, because that’s what you do. We see you doing it all day, every day, and we are continually impressed by the way that you grow in spite of a society that doesn’t necessarily nurture growth experiences. There are times when you have to be everything to yourselves there on Earth, and when you do, when you are, you should see the way your energy fields expand. That happens immediately.
~ A Message from the Arturians
Each of us measures the attainment of our pursuits in our own way; some measure it in financial abundance, some in spiritual awareness, others in personal power, others in quality of life, and the list goes on. You may measure the story of your life, the purpose of this existence in any way you desire but think of how different this life would be, if you knew you are more than the physical, and that you have access to the waveform expression of all life, of all thoughts, of all things in the matrix field of all dimensions? How different would your life be, if you could see around the corner of time, just to the other side of the moment? How would you look at the person you love if you knew they were eternal, as are you? How would you guide your business if you could see beyond the surfaces of the competition, into their thoughts, their intentions? How would you guide your children in this existence if you knew that they were going to be responsible for ushering the human condition out of the next destructive phase of the global society, or into the next rebuilding phase of the global society? How different would your life be, if you knew that all you have to do is close your eyes and look through the darkness, through the event horizon of time to see the next great breakthrough in medicine, education, technology, science and so forth?
~ David Morehouse, Special Operations US Army, Remote Reviewing
Become a Bodhisattva.
Live with compassion in your heart.
Love like you want to be loved.
Follow your bliss.
Be Joyous.
Spiritual Gangster pays tribute to Humanity’s Story and pursuit of our consciousness evolution; a portal, compass, roadmap, and tools to aid a hero through their spiritual journey. This is a place of curated knowledge, tools, blogs and various media, with Axiom Reality retreats that will put all of this information into practice and experience. The values are joy, liberation, discovery, adventure, creativity, and connection. All stories and events are based on the Science of Consciousness and Healing Sciences. Sacred Keys, including Soul Skool®, Soul Tools®, and Soul Sounds® unlock the unknown path for the spiritual gangster. Your guide and Spiritual Gangster is committed to ushering humanity into its evolutionary consciousness through storytelling and experiences for ascension, expansion, and growth. Let’s go together on our Heroes Journey. Travel, Truth, and Transformation advance the way.
Bringing Spirit into our Material Experiences is our Spiritual Purpose & Mission. This is why we are here.
- Alchemy
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Ancient Civilizations
- Anthropology & Archeology
- Art & Design
- Astral Travel
- Astrology
- Astronomy
- Astrophysics
- Biology
- Brain Science
- Breathwork
- Buddhism
- Canna Cooking
- Celestial Ancestors
- Celestial Beings
- Chakras
- Chemistry
- Clairvoyance
- Cosmology
- Crystals
- Divine Knowledge
- DNA Activation
- EcoPsychology
- EcoTherapy
- Elements
- Electromagnetism
- Energy Healing
- Energy Work
- Entheogens
- Epigenetics
- ETs
- Healing
- Healing Practices
- Human Design
- Kabbalah
- Meditation
- Mediumship
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- Microdosing
- Mystery Teachings
- Mysticism
- Narcissism
- Nature Healing
- Neuroscience
- Numerology
- Parapsychology
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Physiology
- Plant Medicine Practices
- Plant Medicines
- Precognition
- Psychedelic Therapy
- Psychedelics
- Psychokinesis
- Psychology
- Pyramids
- Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Physics
- Quantum Entanglement
- Sacred Geometry
- Sacred Sites
- Science
- Science & Spirituality
- Science of Consciousness
- Shamanism
- Soul / Spirit
- Soul Mates
- Soul Ties
- Space
- Spirituality
- Starseeds
- Stone Temples
- Telepathy
- Time Travel
- Twin Flames
- Wellbeing
- Wisdom Teachings
- Yoga