Sacred Geometry...Marvel at the Divine Intelligence
As Above, So Below. We are all connected within a cosmic framework that beholds nature’s laws, forces, and design patterns; which replicate from the micro to macro. Sacred Geometry is the structure upon which our Universe came into existence and expands and evolves.
Please enjoy this directory of websites, tools, videos, films, articles, books, podcasts, and apps from leaders in their fields. Covered here are all things Spiritual Science, Science of Consciousness & Healing Sciences. These inspired and informative materials are from the perspective of scientists, researchers, institutes, practitioners, authors, and speakers.
This is a working database of Knowledge, so bookmark this page and come back for more. If you’ve found yourself here, you have vibrationally dialed it in. Congratulations, you are ready to expand your consciousness and human potential.
- Film One
- Series One
- The Sacred Geometry of Sound
- Cymatics: Amazing Resonance Experiment!
- CYMATICS: Science Vs. Music – Nigel Stanford
- The ‘song’ of a living cell made visible
- The Secret Power of Sound, Vibrations, and Frequencies
- How Sacred Geometry is embedded in Your DNA – Secrets of Geometric Art
- Power of Tens, Charles and Ray Eames
- Sacred Geometry 101E: Metatron’s Cube
- Sacred Geometry The Template 1st Ceremony of Original Innocence
- Beauty of E8
- Is E8 Lattice the True Nature of Reality? Or Theory of Everything?
- The Sacred Geometry Movie
- Fractals: Coherent Chaos with Anders Hjemdahl on MIND & MACHINE
- Gregg Braden – Vibration
- Journey of Curiosity
- Cymatics Explained
- Sound of our Cells – See on SuperHuman
- Sacred Geometry Web
- Metatron’s Cube
- Vector Equilibrium
- Torus
- Vector Equilibrium and its Transformation Pathways
Article One
- Clubhouse One
- Clubhouse Two
- Podcast One
- Podcast Two
- App One
- App Two
- Course One
- Shop One
- Shop Two
- Event One
- Event Two
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Practice is the Key to Integration.
Alchemize the Knowledge into Personal Power.
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We hope you’ve enjoyed this compilation of resources curated with care and intention to bring forth the most accurate information from credible sources. Leaders of Industry at the forefront committed to Truth, Science, Consciousness, and a wish for humanity to elevate and prosper into wholeness and well-being. It is time to take care of the blue pearl planet we inhabit. This is the intention of this work. To inform our human family with the Knowledge and Soul Tools that they already know but have forgotten. We chose to come here together here and now. So if you’re here it’s because we are connected through the cosmic ethers, as Soul Family.
- Alchemy
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Ancient Civilizations
- Anthropology & Archeology
- Art & Design
- Astral Travel
- Astrology
- Astronomy
- Astrophysics
- Biology
- Brain Science
- Breathwork
- Buddhism
- Canna Cooking
- Celestial Ancestors
- Celestial Beings
- Chakras
- Chemistry
- Clairvoyance
- Cosmology
- Crystals
- Divine Knowledge
- DNA Activation
- EcoPsychology
- EcoTherapy
- Elements
- Electromagnetism
- Energy Healing
- Energy Work
- Entheogens
- Epigenetics
- ETs
- Healing
- Healing Practices
- Human Design
- Kabbalah
- Meditation
- Mediumship
- Metaphysical
- Microdosing
- Mystery Teachings
- Mysticism
- Narcissism
- Nature Healing
- Neuroscience
- Numerology
- Parapsychology
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Physiology
- Plant Medicine Practices
- Plant Medicines
- Precognition
- Psychedelic Therapy
- Psychedelics
- Psychokinesis
- Psychology
- Pyramids
- Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Physics
- Quantum Entanglement
- Sacred Geometry
- Sacred Sites
- Science
- Science & Spirituality
- Science of Consciousness
- Shamanism
- Soul / Spirit
- Soul Mates
- Soul Ties
- Space
- Spirituality
- Starseeds
- Stone Temples
- Telepathy
- Time Travel
- Twin Flames
- Wellbeing
- Wisdom Teachings
- Yoga