Everything is Energy
There are powerful invisible forces at work in our lives. Physicists, neuroscientists, physiologists, and psychologists are working to understand these forces that we interact with daily but cannot see; an infinite field of potential. More and more people are beginning to adopt the power of this intelligent cosmic field as scientists and doctors reveal all the ways it shows up in our lives; in our bodies and minds, through our choices and behaviors, emotions and hearts. This continuous field links the natural world, the quantum world, and the Universe ~ connecting everything as a unified field of consciousness. This same field permeates through multiple dimensions and is responsible for mysterious phenomena, such as how someone can have an NDE (near-death experience) and come back to report it, communicate with loved ones that have passed, travel through astral planes and dimensions during deep meditation, and miraculously heal from illnesses. It’s through understanding this energy source that Jesus turned water into wine and walked on water, alchemizing the same energy field you tap into when you sense someone is thinking about you, watching you, or about to give you a ring just before you receive a phone call. With greater understanding and study, we too can advance our relationship and practice with this powerful energy field. Let’s dive in.
What is Consciousness?
There are many names for consciousness: Spirit, Divinity, Divine Intelligence, Source, God, Universe, Divine Source, Infinite, universal mind, the endless one, infinity, phi, divine light, the Force, the quantum field, the quantum sea, cosmic field, the matrix, holographic universe, einsof, energy, music of the spheres, light & vibration, electromagnetic field, ether, breath, prana.
Consciousness is the essence of all that is. It is mind and spirit and matter. It’s vibration, light, sound, harmonics, spiraling energy with structure and intelligence. Consciousness expresses itself in sacred geometry forms and patterns (math, symbols, sounds, and silence). It’s everywhere and the essence of everything. It connects all of us, and the various dimensions of varying frequencies. Consciousness is the energetic force that materializes in the metaphysical and physical world; which are one of the same, varying only by degrees of vibration (measured in frequencies).
The metaphysical, or Spirit, is woven into the physical and natural world so it must be included in science if we are to understand the whole picture and how to harness it for elevating consciousness. This is our mission and this is why you are here.
Let’s dive into all of the elements and forces that lie beyond our sight in this metaphysical world!
“Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking inside a radio for the announcer.”
~ Nassim Haramein
Unified Sciences and a Theory of Everything are underway bringing consciousness, the essence of spirit, the divine intelligence, back into the material science conversation, evaluation, exploration, investigation, and the scientific method. Consciousness is the intelligent aspect that moves, motivates, and drives all material experiences and mystical phenomena we’ve witnessed or heard about, that may have previously been dismissed by science due to the division of church and state, material and non-material study, and the gap in understanding between Newtonian science and quantum mechanics.
Science of Consciousness – Understanding the Quantum World
Astrophysics & Space-Time
Origins & Structure of the Universe
Sacred Geometry
Energy Portals & Paths
Nature's Laws & the Forces of Nature
Remote Viewing, Astral Projection, Out of Body, Lucid Dreaming
Spiritual Sciences – Alchemy & Metaphysical Practices
Consciousness Expansion (Techniques & Modalities)
Multidimensions & Multidimensional Beings
Ancient Civilizations, Technologies & Tools, Sacred Symbols
Mystery Teachings & Kaballah
Journey into the Soul - The Hero's Journey - Walking your Spiritual Path
Healing Sciences are growing more sophisticated as scientists, doctors, spiritual teachers and healers come together to blend healing practices with consciousness expansion technologies and methods. Science of consciousness is the foundation of the healing modalities explored here; all of the techniques and tools inside are proven for expanding states of consciousness to heal the emotional, physical and spiritual bodies, taking a wholeness approach to health and healing. These are daily practices that rewire and condition the heart and brain for coherence, activate and repair your DNA, expand awareness so to create better lifestyle choices, elevate your human potential, and medicine you have access to that doesn’t rely on third pharmaceutical companies and costly medical bills.
Healing Sciences
Biology, Physiology & Neuroscience
Chakras, Energy Centers & the Spiritual Laws
Consciousness Medicine: Sacred Plants
EcoPsychology: Nature Therapy
Sound Healing
DNA Activation
Mind & Heart Coherence
Mind Sync Vibrational Resonance
Hypnosis & Past Life Regression
Forgiveness & Compassion as Paths to Self Love, Freedom and Transcendence
Practical Life Skills
Love & Relationships
The Law of Divine Compensation - Money as a Spiritual Path
The Narcissist Spectrum & How to Break Free
Compassion & Wisdom - Without it, you're blocking your Potential & Enlightenment
Honoring Parenthood & Respect for the Next Generations
Breaking Free from Behavioral and Substance Addiction
Sex and Intimacy - Trust, Passion, Respect & Balance
Healing Core Wounds - Attachments, Anxiety, Codependency
Restoring Masculine & Feminine Energy Dynamics
Quantum Physics
Decoding Spiritual Science
DNA Activation & More
- Alchemy
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Ancient Civilizations
- Anthropology & Archeology
- Art & Design
- Astral Travel
- Astrology
- Astronomy
- Astrophysics
- Biology
- Brain Science
- Breathwork
- Buddhism
- Canna Cooking
- Celestial Ancestors
- Celestial Beings
- Chakras
- Chemistry
- Clairvoyance
- Cosmology
- Crystals
- Divine Knowledge
- DNA Activation
- EcoPsychology
- EcoTherapy
- Elements
- Electromagnetism
- Energy Healing
- Energy Work
- Entheogens
- Epigenetics
- ETs
- Healing
- Healing Practices
- Human Design
- Kabbalah
- Meditation
- Mediumship
- Metaphysical
- Microdosing
- Mystery Teachings
- Mysticism
- Narcissism
- Nature Healing
- Neuroscience
- Numerology
- Parapsychology
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Physiology
- Plant Medicine Practices
- Plant Medicines
- Precognition
- Psychedelic Therapy
- Psychedelics
- Psychokinesis
- Psychology
- Pyramids
- Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Physics
- Quantum Entanglement
- Sacred Geometry
- Sacred Sites
- Science
- Science & Spirituality
- Science of Consciousness
- Shamanism
- Soul / Spirit
- Soul Mates
- Soul Ties
- Space
- Spirituality
- Starseeds
- Stone Temples
- Telepathy
- Time Travel
- Twin Flames
- Wellbeing
- Wisdom Teachings
- Yoga