Travel. Truth. Transformation.
The Path of the Spiritual Gangster involves a dedicated journey into the inner and outer world, with a mission of experiencing the spiritual laws within and without, integrating and harmonizing with the self and others, and sharing your perspective, pathway to spirit with others on their journey. This portal is an effort of our Ancestors and present-day Spiritual Warriors who travel the vast landscapes of their minds, bodies, and souls to find the Truth in Spirit. The real work is in integrating spirit into the material experience, transforming negative energy to positive energy, and transcending fears, trials, and obstacles to light, hope, triumph, and opportunity. This is the work and life path of Spiritual Leaders, Elders, Physicists, Scientists, Philosophers, and a community of unsung heroes sharing their story.
Practice path for spiraling up the divine stairway to heaven
Dimensions and Portals mark our path to our Evolutionary Future.
At this stage, we will explore the healing and communication technologies used by our Ancient Ancestors and how they wove the divine truth into their daily lives and thriving civilizations, and why and how the fall of Atlantis is important for us to understand today as old paradigms unravel and we emerge into a time of rebirth, harness new energy sources and prepare for other worldy contacts.
On the other side of a world wide pandemic, a global reflection and resetting, most of us feel at some level that we are embarking upon new ways and uncharted territory. We must seriously look at renewable energy sources, dispel our greed, divisiveness and have-haves not mentality, and unify our consciousness through attaining knowledge, knowing ourselves more deeply, increasing our understanding of the spiritual-sciences that define nature’s laws in both the spiritual and material senses, reclaim our power by understanding our power and breaking down false beliefs and conditions. We must learn our true origins and history, and take personal responsibility to govern ourselves responsibility, tuning into ourselves deeply within to access our internal wisdom that runs deep through the ages of our ancestors, heightening our awareness about what and from whom and where we receive information that influences our lives. We must be active participants, waking from our unconscious sleep and learn how to reconnect with ourselves, nature and each other. We must learn and practice the healing sciences, giving ourselves permission to heal so we can emerge into higher mind and tap into the expanding universal intelligence within and throughout our grasps. Contained within this portal, are the sacred keys for healing and creating within the framework of spiritual sciences, and the compass and roadmap for your Travels, Truth & Transformation.
What is the purpose of life and what is evolutionary code? Indigenous people have communicated with our star ancestors for hundreds of thousands of years. More information is coming online as the spiritual sciences converge. Physicists and spiritual elders are coming together, and consciousness is back in science to build the bridge between the seen and unforeseen world, helping to solve the mysteries previously unknown. Crop Circles, Ley Lines, Ancient Crypts, Atlantis, UFO’s, Psychic Abilities. The Brain and the Mind, and its role in consciousness and the soul. There is much more than meets the eye. We must understand the realms beyond our sight that dictate our experience if we are to transcend. We will deepen the journey at this stage of the path.