Know Thyself. Know who you are and why you are here!
It is essential to have a solid sense of self in order to discover the bliss, purpose, and fulfillment your soul is longing for. What if you could shift your way of being to be in alignment with your true nature and come into harmony with every living thing on the planet; your entire life in harmony, your relationships, your pursuits, your family, friends, coworkers, and nature itself?
When you align with the forces of nature, you activate your power within and you’re able to field challenges that arise with greater understanding, grace, or boldness ~ identifying your power and role in life with greater awareness and confidence. Miracles happen when you are activated and aligned in your highest possibility of self.
To achieve harmony within and without, you must first know yourself.
It begins with learning your Human Design.
Learn Human Design
Learn your Human Design
Everything is made of energy. Our choices move that energy. In physics, a phenomenon known as wave-particle duality exists at the quantum level, where a wave of any and all possibility exists until an observer, You, makes a choice. Your conscious thought instructs the wave to take an energetic direction. At that moment, the wave condenses into a material particle and creates an observable outcome from your choice. The energy wave materializes into form based on your ‘conscious thought.’ Every choice we make carries vibrational energy (instructions) that spins particles into new material realities, moment by moment by moment. If our thoughts create our reality, which they do, would you say it’s critical to make good choices? Human Design is like your personal systems manual. It defines your energy type and how you make decisions. It’s important to know which aspects of yourself drive your decisions, which energy centers you should rely on that are most authentic to your design, and where you can be flexible to others’ ideas and influences. “When is it time for me to hold back and when should I be assertive? What voice do I listen to?” If you’ve experienced frustration around your choices and see patterns that do not serve you, knowing your human design will help you make better choices that are harmonious with your design.
![Step 2](
Discover your Purpose. Believe in Yourself. Become your Purpose.
We feel dissatisfied in life when we feel our life lacks purpose or if we feel we are operating less than our potential. Realized or unrealized, we feel it when things feel off. Discovering your purpose begins with finding your bliss. Then, following it. But, it helps to have an instruction manual. We did not come with a set of instructions upon entering this world. However, there are tools to help you navigate this unknown.
Your life is driven by a set of thoughts, emotions, and choices that make up your personality, which leads you in a direction. Your path is a series of actions from those choices that make up the experience you call your life; your human experiment. Having a purpose requires a focused set of ideas and actions. To begin that process, you might ask yourself, “What are my interests? What qualities and values are important to me? What are my strengths and talents, and where am I vulnerable? What activities inspire me? How can I be of service to others? How do I utilize my energy now? Who do I spend my time with? Do the people I spend time with uplift me or deplete my energy? What charges me up and where do I lose my power?”
Knowing the answers to these questions brings confidence to believe in your path, your purpose, and yourself. The Human Design system is a tool, a life compass, for helping you discover your purpose and life path. This is your life’s journey and knowing your human design will fast track that process with more insight and discovery into YOU.
![step 3_blue](
Resolve Shadow. Heal.
At some level, all of humanity needs healing. The consequences of wrong views, false ideas, withheld knowledge, and fear-based conditioning have taken their toll on the well-being of human beings for generations, with a rise in mental illness and cancer at an all-time high. It’s evident, as we’ve witnessed in 2020, that there is disharmony, discord, division, and disempowered people, groups, and structures socially, economically, and politically that must be redefined. We’ve witnessed and felt this strain pushing for change. But how?
A dominant worldview of competition over cooperation, survival of the fittest, a random, unpredictable universe (entropy) over an intelligent, connected universe; these ideas have contributed to humanity becoming efficient and putting us at the top of the evolutionary food chain. We are at a point where our exhausted resources, strained structures, and systems we’ve created to regulate our civilizations are calling for better solutions. We’ve seen this displayed in the world and we feel the imbalance: A friend, peer or neighbor looks after their own interest instead of the whole, concerned with feeding their family versus how the community will be fed. Human beings have lost the knowledge that they are powerful, incredible beings that hold the power and laws of the universe because we’ve moved like cattle inside economic systems to survive and make ends meet, most of the world population living hand to mouth.
Under the umbrella of survival of the fittest, capitalism, and competition, we’ve pitted against each other in order to survive, climb the social and economic ladder, dominate others to win under a system of win-lose instead of win-win. Only to spend our adult lives feeling insecure and not enough. Only now we are expanding our awareness that these survival mechanisms have reached their limits. The rise in mental illness, disease, collapsing systems and push back from those that have been repressed for too long, are giving evidence that something is amiss.
Abuse. Neglect. Betrayal. Abandonment. Rejection. Defeat. We’ve all felt these things and know them well. Everyone on the planet is working through traumas, core wounds, and false conditioning that requires rewiring and remedy. Collectively and individually we must heal. We’ve been pushed and we’ve pushed others. We’ve judged others and we’ve been judged. We’ve been perpetrators and we’ve been victims. Most people know what disappointment, depression, and devaluation feel like. The human experience has required resilience and surrender, facing the dark night of the soul. Now, we are faced with how to rewire and undo the insecurities and vulnerabilities this cost has had; contending with our shadows, aka, the unruly egos that have been persistent companions to help us survive.
Our worldview must change, yes. But, that begins with each of us shifting our personal views and healing ourselves individually first. We must each take personal responsibility as we’ve played a role in the collective undoing. Because we do not fully understand that each individual has a unique design and function within a collective whole, many people are in work and life positions that do not honor their design, thus living in frustration, bitterness, anger, and disappointment. A large sum of the whole feel unfulfilled, dissatisfied, and resigned. Deeply unhappy. Deeply wounded. Deeply requiring healing.
The Buddhists say that all suffering comes from attachment and anger, derived from the false self, the ego, that they call the self-grasping I. Spoken of as the shadow self, we’ve all created this alter-ego companion to protect and guard ourselves against these pains, suiting up in armors and heart walls to survive. Getting acquainted with your ego friend, meeting your true self, and healing the not-self is part of this mission to Know Thyself. This is a critical mission for your journey. Because it is your path to freedom.
We are one functioning organism, humanity, living together with a conscious earth, connected to the electromagnetic field of our sun. If a large population on the planet is feeling and living in discord, and the earth’s resources are strained, then Huston, we have a problem. If we are to hold a position at the top of the food chain, does that not come with great responsibility and call for solutions to harmonize, as nature does?
Let’s get started. Empower yourself today.
We are All-Mighty, Powerful Human Beings.
We have more capability than you realize.
It starts with knowing yourself and then expanding your awareness.
Who are you?
Why are you here?
Why do you tick the way you do?
What aspects of yourself drive and influence your choices?
When and how do you make decisions that are right for you?
Are you maximizing your unique human design?
Are you living your best self? What does that mean?
You cannot be authentic unless you know who you are.
Soul Tools are resources, guides, materials, and practices to alchemize your inner and outer experience so you become the greater possibilities you envision yourself to be. They are agents to create awareness so Spirit permeates your reality creating clear channels for pure thoughts, emotions, attitudes, behavior, choices, intentions, and actions to course through you. Through deepening self-awareness, your purpose and passions are revealed aligning your reality to your higher self. Your confidence strengthens as your convictions gain, and the fear and distractions that once gripped you cannot withstand, so you are free to live the life you were born to live.
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