The Paradigm is Shifting. The Science of Consciousness puts Spirit back into the Science Equation.
Spirituality is being explained in a new cosmic landscape, with a convergence of science and spirituality at the forefront of the consciousness conversation, whereby scientists, doctors and healers are supporting ancient spiritual wisdom with scientific explanation to life’s most meaningful questions, “Why are we here?” “What is the meaning of life?” “What is the truth of this reality?” “Are we alone in the universe?” “Are we able to control the outcome of our lives or are we subject to nature’s laws and karma?” “Is mind over matter real?” “What are the forces that lie beyond our sight in the metaphysical world?” The answers are inside.
Specific details about our origins and planetary history are being revealed in the new consciousness era. Physicists have a greater understanding of black holes and the creation model of our Universe; its design structure, contents, and sub-atomic forces that make up the quantum field. The government has disclosed that ET’s exist and a proven protocol to travel multidimensionally, transcending time and space, exists. Anthropologists, archeologists, and researchers have a better grasp on ancient civilizations and their advanced technologies and practices used to communicate with ET’s, known as our celestial ancestors. Teachings by Native Americans, sages, elders, philosophers, and new age spiritual practices are explained by neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics confirming that there is much more that exists beyond our physical-material experience. Conscious energy is woven into the physical and natural world so it must be included in scientific evaluation if we are to understand the whole picture and how to harness it for a conscious life.
The Keeper of Wisdom holds the keys to the kingdom of heaven
Our Ancient Ancestors held the Divine Knowledge and utilized spiritual practices and sophisticated tools and technology to harness nature’s laws into a harmonized spiritual-material life experience for civilizations on this planet.
The Divine Knowledge, treasures once held by the Ancient Gods & Goddesses, were first passed down to women and priests hundreds of thousands of years ago upon the great human experience on planet earth.
Advanced ancient technologies were used to advance the evolution of humanity, the earth, and the Universe. We’ll explore the origin of the universe, these ancient civilizations, their connection to ETs, psychedelics, and other tools to awaken the conscious code inside of our bodies.
We’ll learn about the intelligent design of our human vessels, the energy centers of our bodies that hold the spiritual laws of the universe, the electric and magnetic power of our human machines, how to activate our untapped DNA, and the archetypal patterns in our human design makeup.
These were the Mystery Teachings of those times; sacred geometry, numerology, and symbols of the metaphysical knowledge were woven into the architecture, culture, and daily practices of those ancient advanced civilizations. The divine knowledge and patterns are in nature, art, and music.
It’s the dawn of a new era, and these practices are returning.
Sacred Keys held inside.
Sacred Patterns are revealed in Art, Nature & Sound.
They’re everywhere.
Look around. Feel. Resonate.
It’s wondrous.
The answers to life’s most meaningful questions, Truth as a unified understanding, has been lost in the collective consciousness for 12,000 years.
In 2012, we began the planetary shift into the Age of Aquarius, where the evolutionary progress for humanity was awoken and patterns, belief systems, and cultural structures have begun to break down under the scientific discoveries brought forward by modern physicists and archeologist that can no longer be ignored.
To bridge inconsistencies of Newtonian Science, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics, Consciousness has been brought back into the scientific equation, giving an explanation for the spiritual laws that govern Our Material Reality.
Metaphysical forces that drive the Spiritual Path are no longer one of blind acceptance or blind faith. It’s science.
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Bringing Spiritual Science to the Mainstream
One must study consciousness to understand the forces of nature that drive the spiritual-material experience.
Science of Consciousness
Understand the interworkings of the Mind and Universe, how the material and the spiritual world interact, and why. Expand your awareness and become your highest conceived idea of self for the benefit of humanity.
Healing Sciences
Understand how to apply spiritual science in your life. Learn tools and technologies for healing your mind, body, and soul to enrich your life and strengthen your connection to spirit.
Enlightenment - Bringing Truth to a False Era
Out of the darkness, into the light: A breakdown of truth has taken its toll on humanity as the fragmentation of sciences and the separation of science and spirituality has metaphorically divided the material and non-material worlds, solidifying the appearance of false separation. A Course in Miracles says that “We think we have many problems, but we really only have one. We think we are separate from each other and nature.” This false idea has led to all of humanity’s ailments and disorders; a dogma that can no longer hold our ideas about ourselves nor sustain us in wholeness and health. We are called to reunite, connect and heal; cooperate vs compete. Returning to unification is the goal. We will resolve humanity’s problems once we learn to cooperate, just as nature has learned to do. We can look to our planet and its plant and animal inhabitants, for the answers, as the Earth holds consciousness just as we do. By emulating nature’s systems and processes, understanding our origins, and seeking wisdom from our ancestors, we can course-correct, harmonize and stabilize humanity by aligning ourselves with nature’s laws and truths.
Our Mission - Unification, Harmony, Flow
For us to reach this place and raise the consciousness on the planet to achieve unification, 1% of our population will need to awaken for worldwide resonance to occur. Known as superfluid vacuum theory (SVT) in high-energy physics and quantum gravity, the theory quantifies a standard model for unification and flow with zero friction, similar to flight patterns of starlings. Applying this model, there are currently 8.1 billion people on the planet. This means 81 million must awaken to elevate the vibrational frequency for humanity to be in flow.
A New Hope - Righting our Wrongs
This spiritual-science portal is an effort in that pursuit. Contained inside are a roadmap and resources for that mission and why it’s critical for the wholeness, happiness, and sustainability for us all. We found ourselves on the brink of destruction in 2020. We have hope to turn things around for each other and this planet that houses us. We can create a new world; one that brings the experience of heaven to earth. This is your invitation to do that.
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That day is here. Now. It’s time to make evolutionary progress.
Are you ready?
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