Mysteries Explained
A New Earth is upon us. We are in transition to the 5th Dimension. What does this mean?
We are emerging from our dark hours and past traumas, on our way to higher-self actualization so we can access our God Power. We are moving into a heart-centered state of consciousness, one where we will create structures and live in harmony with one another. Our diversity will be celebrated. Our bodies will be fed and nourished. Our minds will be fulfilled. We will express ourselves and share our creative gifts. We will honor and respect one another, and appreciate our unique points of view because we will understand that we are one. One being expressed as many. We will not harm each other because we will understand that by harming another, we are harming ourselves.
We are moving into Unity Consciousness.
This is Soul Skool®. This is not a self-help site but a portal of scientific research and sacred knowledge needed to heal yourself. This is your duty to and for humanity. Compiled from the leading physicists, astronomists, spiritual teachers and elders, scientists, historians, and anthropologists in one location, curated and organized for quick access to the divine.
![spirit circle](
What is Soul Skool?
Soul Skool is the integration of all sciences, spirituality, humanity, culture & art; the Intelligent Design that connects it all. These blogs and Soul Skool book express when and how we have lost our way to self-actualization, and the knowledge to recover our lost power so we can access our God Power. This is not a self-help book but contains the sacred knowledge to heal yourself. It will connect the dots for advanced spiritual practitioners and completely blow your mind if you’re just beginning your spiritual journey and self-inquiry. In any case, it is perfect that you are here and you are right on time, wherever you are on your journey.
Learn about the power that resides inside of you and scientific evidence that you ARE special and you DO matter. Humanity is in a unique and sacred moment that will serve you to understand. You are powerful beyond measure. Your significance on this earth, at this moment in time, here and now, should be known and cherished. This is your birthright. You were chosen and it is Glorious. This is an extraordinary story. This is the story of how you came to be. This is Soul Skool.
Indigenous people have communicated with our star ancestors for hundreds of thousands of years. More information is coming online about this as the spiritual sciences converge. Physicists and spiritual elders are coming together, and consciousness is back in science to build the bridge between the seen and unforeseen world, helping to solve the mysteries previously unknown. Crop Circles, Ley Lines, Ancient Crypts, Atlantis, UFO’s, Psychic Abilities. The Brain and the Mind, and its role in consciousness and the soul. There is much more than meets the eye. We must understand the realms beyond our sight that dictate our experience if we are to transcend. The time is now. Let’s dive in…
SOUL SKOOL®, the Book
Schools of Knowledge: Key Chapters & Cornerstones
Science of Consciousness
Healing Sciences
Spiritual Science
Harmonizing Inner & Outer Worlds
Creation of the Universe
Unity Consciousness
Metaphysics & Meditation
Sacred Geometry, Fractals & Circles
Ancient Civilizations
Celestial Ancestors
Origins of the Universe
Consciousness Evolution
Kundalini Chakra Energy
DNA Activation
Mind & Heart Coherence
Vibrational Resonance
Sacred Plant Medicine & Shamanism
Psychedelic Therapy
Multidimensional Beings
Time Travel
Laws of Nature (7 Spiritual Laws)
Forces of Energy
Quantum Entanglement
Psychedelic Compounds & Microdosing
SOUL SKOOL®, the Blog
Life’s Mysteries Explained
Creation of the Universe, Evolution & Consciousness Awakening
ETs, Celestial Ancestors & Multidimensional Beings
Accessing the Quantum Field; Metaphysics & Matter
Ancient Civilizations & Advanced Technologies
Energy & The Forces of Nature
Laws of Nature (7 Spiritual Laws)
Sacred Geometry & Fractals
Dimensions & Portals
Astrophysics, Astronomy & Our Galactic Home
Planet Earth, Our Natural World & Divine Feminine Mother
Our Miraculous Human Body; It's Function, Power & Purpose
Archetypes & Other Personality Models
Unlocking & Activating Human Potential
Sound Healings, Breathwork, Meditation, Psychedelics & Other Consciousness Expansion Tools
Uniquely Human…What is Your Design?
DISCOVERING POWER, PURPOSE & POTENTIAL with two words. HUMAN DESIGN. It’s Not a Luxury. It’s a Necessity. Know Your Human Design. Or, spend a lifetime figuring it out. IMAGINE you’ve met the love of your life and you wonder... Will I be able to sustain a loving...
Know Thyself – Spiritual Gangster Style
KNOW THYSELF - LIKE A SPIRITUAL GANGSTER To Know Thyself is to understand your thoughts, emotions, and actions. These are the elements that make up your behavior. According to Psychology Today, an average human makes 35,000 choices a day. Your choices strung together,...
SOUL SKOOL®, the Vault
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