What is an indicator that Creation is in Process? 

This may not be the obvious answer, but it holds Truth nonetheless.

When your life is bursting at the seams or it feels like life is falling apart…your creation is taking on a new form.

Perhaps, you find yourself in a current state of chaos. You are gripped in sadness. Loss. Overwhelmed. Angry. Frustrated. Feeling closed off. Separate. Your soul and material world are shattered. You look around to find what looks like life carnage surrounding you.

You are in the aftermath of destruction. You are devastated. No-thing makes sense. You’re at a total loss wondering how you’ll ever put the pieces back together again. 

I say this to you. It’s OK. You are in creation. Breathe in.

For some, maybe you are currently finding yourself in flow. Everything makes sense. There is ease to your efforts. There is joy in your heart. You’re in love. You feel connected and synchronicity is everywhere. You’re open to possibility and Life feels good. Celebration is in order. You are in the Expansion Phase of Creation. Breathe out. Feel the Joy.

For those feeling less fortunate, I wish to offer you a little hope. 

You are experiencing the Destruction Phase of the Creation Cycle. 

"Every act of creation is first an act of destruction."

Pablo Picasso

Creativity needs Structure.

Destruction occurs when the boundaries of the thoughts that created its form can no longer grow within that thought-material container. When a form or thought matrix can no longer contain the structure of its advancing consciousness, its younger self must be destroyed so it can transform.

This is the same idea as the caterpillar and butterfly analogy. This is not a new concept to most of us; the butterfly is nature’s quintessential icon of transformation. The caterpillar in its cocoon is breaking down its form and must die in order to become the butterfly. Metaphysically, the caterpillar’s idea of itself must be fully released so it can know itself as something entirely different.

During its cocoon phase, the caterpillar has to let go of its identity surrendering to ego and material death so it can begin in the void to enter a new creation.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking mind we used to create them.”

Albert Einstein

Often people speak of thinking outside of the box when it comes to being a creative thinker or problem-solving. 

When the creator can no longer grow inside of its container, it must shed its form. 

The box must break. The cocoon must open.

The old structure must fall away to allow something new, more expansive, to live. 

If your material world is falling apart, it is because you are growing. This is good news. It may not feel that way now. It probably feels awful. 

It’s OK to cry. Release your tears. Reflect deeply. Go in. Mend and lick your wounds. This is a time for self-care and healing. 

And remember….

You can no longer hold yourself in the container of what was. This may mean you’ve taken a hit in some or all of life’s arenas. Perhaps you’ve lost a loved one, parted with a partner, fallen away from friends, lost a job, discovered a health issue, took a hit to your reputation, lost your money. If it has broken or fallen away, it is supposed to. Whatever the case, there is a conscious Divine force supporting you for your greater mission and purpose.

Though you are in a contracted state, you are still creating. You’re transforming.

It takes a mother 9 months for a baby to form inside her belly.

You cannot rush the process of creation.

You must allow creation to take its course. 

Creativity requires Courage. 

Destruction cycles can feel like navigating uncharted waters in stormy seas without a compass or stars to guide you. Grinding you into pieces where death and surrender feel like freedom compared to the chaos and despair. One might ask, “How can you put so much energy into something to experience failure and destruction, again and again.” 

Yet, something causes us to desire hope again after a great fall, leaning into possibility once more, with an immense capacity for healing and growth; 

Herein lies the Human Spirit. This is where you’ll find the Divine.

Endless possibilities of growth and expansion are built into our DNA and drive everything that we do. 

From the time we are in the womb, until the day that we die. And thereafter…

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It only changes form.

Albert Einstein, Law of Conservation of Energy

That which you create and that which feels like a missed opportunity, a failure, destruction, whatever you name it, is serving you. For every prayer and every unanswered prayer, there is more in your process to know and understand. You are a courageous soul because you are here, living inside your purpose, finding your way. You are an energetic force bringing spirit into form. This is a big task and you said yes to it. 

This makes you a hero.

“Creation and destruction are two ends of the same moment. Everything in between is the journey of life.”

Amish Tripathi


What is an indicator that Creation is in Process? 

This may not be the obvious answer, but it holds Truth nonetheless.

When your life is bursting at the seams or it feels like life is falling apart…your creation is taking on a new form.

Perhaps, you find yourself in a current state of chaos. You are gripped in sadness. Loss. Overwhelmed. Angry. Frustrated. Feeling closed off. Separate. Your soul and material world are shattered. You look around to find what looks like life carnage surrounding you.

You are in the aftermath of destruction. You are devastated. No-thing makes sense. You’re at a total loss wondering how you’ll ever put the pieces back together again. 

I say this to you. It’s OK. You are in creation. Breathe in.

For some, maybe you are currently finding yourself in flow. Everything makes sense. There is ease to your efforts. There is joy in your heart. You’re in love. You feel connected and synchronicity is everywhere. You’re open to possibility and Life feels good. Celebration is in order. You are in the Expansion Phase of Creation. Breathe out. Feel the Joy.

For those feeling less fortunate, I wish to offer you a little hope. 

You are experiencing the Destruction Phase of the Creation Cycle. 







Header photo: Artist Chris Slabber

Photo below: Lord Shiva, Dancer of Creation & Destruction

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